3 month, time just pass like that by totally drying up my blog for 3 month.
"Look what I've done now",my blog theme, its time to be refresh once more
Many things does happen for the past 3 month:
May 1-15: By tracing back my schedule, I am still having my semester break. Well, this time around I was not that busy managing my freelance job. Well, not much of job were being offered at that time. NOT UNTIL May 9 onwards.
May 9 onwards: Yeah, peak period was pecking up ever since my college day restart. As usual, sometimes life is sooo unfair for me. When I damn fucking free, the job just wont comes to me. But, when college restart, all earning opportunity come all the way.
To share about what I have gone through from May 9 onward until today, it was like a long piece of cloth to be cut(a direct translate of chinese idiom).
To summarise everything, THIS YEAR IS NOT MY YEAR. What goes up, always comes down. There's no smooth flow at all for me. Is like, when I achieve this, alternately, I losing out the others. Worst come to worst, I fail my mid term exam, yes, I FAIL. I FUCKING FAIL IT. "LOOK WHAT I'VE DONE" to my life.
Honestly, I'm lost, I cant turn back, I can only move front, but I dont know where to go. Everything on me is on jeopardy. I know, I really know, I will lose up everything if I keep continue the way I'm doing now. But, I'm not willing to give up everything I have, I'm greed, I want graduation and I definitely want my part time career as well. Yes, I'm greed, very greed. I want this, I want that, I want everything. And I almost lost everything soon, its only matter of time.
I have plan on my head, trying to minimize whatever loss I could possibly incurred. But, I dared not implement it. It has to take a lot of courage, lots of endurance and lots of risk as well. All I must do and only able to do now, is to carry on, praying very hard that everything please go on the way I wish for, dont go against me.
This is about my life, my right and wrong, my decison and my consequences. You may laugh out loud on me, but, someday you'll realize, you just have to experience any of your ups and down.
2 happiest moment I have enjoy through for my past 3 month is:
1st--> The sillyness activities with Banana Gang Kawan. We club, we out, we yam cha, we shops, we spot the MILF, we hunt dog, we even hunt ghost, we mastermind sex toy business and even the chicken ducky investment(wtf), we boombastic each other, we drink and I drunk and you guys make fun on me(fuck u all la,lol) and ofcoz we always FUCK EACH OTHER(we scold fuck, not the lan jiao chap sit fat punya fuck,lol).

2nd--> The holiday trip, the job at office and the meals with Baboos family. Although is not a perfect trip at Penang, but at least we do enjoy ourselves, taking pics, at least they make me more united to them(actually influence me become more pat poh,lol). They name me ella because of my umbrella hair, I thank them for helping and cooperate with me during working time, appreciate their effort very much. And we always go for lunch either at Mac d or face to face pan mee, and not forget, I always being bad by banned their plan for Tao Buffet and ended got RAPE by "SEI LOU YEH" who always change change change, baboo baboo baboo, and bla bla bla ==",haha.
[How I realy wish everything just goes happily, steadily, smoothly and wonderfully. But real life says NO. Life is fair or unfair,I dont know. I know everything happens for a reason.]
[Yes, I want to be naive, think like a kid, and toy like a kid, "SIMPLE". I believe I am right now, only to be naive ;-(]
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