Arrrghhh, I know my hair s*ck. Thats not the main point, in this picture, I was at CCK aka Petaling Street. A place full of true good to be be fake. Well, supposedly, the reason I went is because my mom request me to go the Petaling Street temple to pray. I reached there at 5pm sharp, and the PIC temple told me: "The temple has close, the DOG has come out guard the temple, so you are not allowed to enter, please come again tomorrow, BYEBYE." And so, I am unable to pray for the sake of my education =="

And so, instead i miss the chance praying for the goods, I satisfy myself by buying a pair of new shoe. Guess how much it is?
55?^NO^.....i mean ^NO^ because good sold are ^NO^ refundable. Yup, its only worth 55 to buy a so calleed PUMA SHOE. Please, I dont purposely bought this new shoe, I have no choice because my nike chocolate shoe has been stolen by blardy cheap freak.
Many's, or some or none think that I'm rich? Yes I am rich, because I never failed to live my life by spending 0 cents a day. So I can consider myself as I'm not poor right? Haha. What makes people think I'm looks kinda ^rich^ because the way I wore looks as if I'm rich. Sound I'm perasan. The fact is I'm too true to be fake. Whatever I'm wearing sometimes, might be original fake!!
I am so envy that rich buying original and these people often describe the poor has no ability to purchase BRANDED. Well, I proof to them, we, a genuine not so rich people can even afford wear ^BRANDED^. Is it so important to own all things original with a very HANDSOME PRICE when there is affordable ORIGINAL FAKE PRODUCT WITH CHIKY PRICE. Well, I can say maybe quality slightly different, but outcome its the same.
There many I can argue but its so boring arguing it. So what more can I say is, whether you got $$$ or less $$$ or no $$$, you can own branded, but it depends on how you get it. I even saw the beggars on the road side wearing ralph lauren polo collar T shirt, I doubt he pick it from the rich?
Next time, when you people want to buy original fake, please go to CCK, its really variety of choice and its a bargain business to challenge it.
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