More protests against policy to teach in English
KUALA LUMPUR: Momentum is picking up against the policy to teach and learn Science and Mathematics in English with political parties, non-governmental organisations and school associations joining the fray.
The Movement for the Abolition of Teaching and Learning Science and Maths in English, claiming the support of more than 50 organisations and bodies, is hoping to gather 100,000 supporters to hand over a memorandum to Parliament and the King, on Feb 17 and March 7 respectively.
Former Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka director-general and movement president Datuk Dr Hassan Ahmad said the policy was not achieving its objectives and was creating more problems instead.
New group: Protesters showing their discontent over the policy on the teaching of Maths and Science after their movement was launched in Kuala Lumpur Saturday.
“How can you teach Maths and Science in English to pupils who don’t even understand English when they first come to school, whether Chinese or Indians or Malays?” he asked at the movement’s launch yesterday.
He also said that many rural students were grappling with the subjects and that teaching of English in schools should improve in order to master the language.
“We should improve the techniques of teaching English, expose children to good literature and get experts to devise a method that works,” he said.
PKR and PAS representatives were also present at the launch to show their support.
PKR youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin said although PAS and PKR machinery would be used to spread awareness of the movement’s beliefs, Pakatan Rakyat was not making this a political issue
So, there always pro and contrast on whatever things in this world. Should english be taught in Math and Science subject? This topic has been debated before G starts implement it. Tell you readers something, i think what is the meaning of Kia Su of these typical people who protested to stop use english to teach in our educations. Singapore people punya KIA SU means "ai pia jia ehh yiaaaa". Malaysia people punya KIA SU is "Lu Pia Lu Si". Lu pia Lu Si means the more you do, the more you drown. What drown? Look at this picture.

For all the contrast this people saying is all about their Bahasa Ibunda! People like them only happy about buka puasa, but they never say their everyday so called theme "god willing" buka otak(open minded). After wondering one round of the earth, it still about M policy. Just like the case Rihanna concert. Why so Kia Su? Small country like Singapore is even speaking English while maintaining their Bahasa Ibunda. See our country, so many language, good right? Good sai la, rojak language got la.
If you readers got notice a statement made up there saying about “How can you teach Maths and Science in English to pupils who don’t even understand English when they first come to school, whether Chinese or Indians or Malays?” How about changing the statement this way: " How do you know the pupils will ever understand Maths and Science if you were to taught in BM, BC, BT? Or another statment is like that" "How if all know english, means BM bo liao la?
Hey people, ask yourself la, if you want these 2 sub to teach in BM, do you think in the future our fellow student who wants to go further their studies at tertiary level will ever understand what the professor talking? Or, if it is teach in BC, do you think the M will tahu apa lan jiao lu cakap? Or if you teach in BT, yi na bo ling gay, apa lu jiao la? So what is final outcome? Rojak language lo. Again, sorry for being so rude, if not this topic will not be interesting. Lolz..
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