What is mass call? Aka orientation only la. Today is my college orientation day. Now i become senior d, become dai lo liao. So ar, i have become a helper to guide those XIAO TI TI AND XIAO MEI MEI lo. Hmm, guess what, this mass call let's me remember siong tong nin how degil i am when i was guide by senior to sit at the necessary place, but then i argue with them cause i dont wont sit that place, and now, these bunch of XIAO TI TI, some really degil, haiy..
Well, sad to say that, this year SBS not many leng lui, but SSH quite a number of leng lui la. Aiya, no matter they pretty, sexy or elegant, they are not my plate of chicken, why? Cause they are not enough MASHUAREAAAA(Greek)=Matured(English), if you reader do not know how on earth i get the MASHUAREAAA words from, it is actually from a student who does not how to spell the words MATURED, instead he spell it MASHUAREAA, this unknown student is famously from Mr Gerald english tuition, if readers tuition with Mr Gerald before, then you all will agak agak heard before la.
Maybe sounds hurt to say these bunch of XIAO MEI MEI not mature, but is true ma, their face not that umhhmm as i wanted to be. Unlike the badge of girls who same badge with me, fuiyoo, kao lat ooo they all, some MASHUAREAA until like aunty ooo, neh like this--->

(Chill ya all the girls out there, dont beh hiau bah or perasan admit you are so THESE mature as what i'm describing.lolzz..)

(The seurity=security group)
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