I thought i was going to spend my HOHOHO eve by not celebrating it because I was a bit emo on that day. But, it makes no self satisfaction to me in any of every festive season, because I never in life have a dream come true that i can spend the every festive season with the one that I darling and cherish.(not even my parents). And so yesterday, I went Kuching hse aka Kathy rumah.
GUESS WHAT????This is the first time I went a party for free, get free alcohol to drink, and eat BBQ, and my one and only once in my life I have ate TURKEY at Kat's house when i suppose thought maybe got ^CAT^ to eat.LMAO....
Awesomely, I tested Jeremy Nikon ^super series camera^, I dont know what the camera called, so I name it super series. Holding the camera macam gaya, tapi gambar ditangkap bahlah tak indah pun dari khabar. Actually, the quality of camera is good, the problem is the owner of the camera is a NOOBBBBYYY. But nevermind la, let him slowly discover his interest of photo shooting.
Below shows how good is good the camera is:
(This is the best among the rest of the pic. I suggest Jeremy to take more picture on static object rather than movable object like we people ;-p)

(Kat and ME)

(Rocky Chai aka Kao Hao & Camera noob Jeremy)

(Jeremyyyy, love me Tender, dont go, dont go.....)

(Shorty 5 with Long Leg Crab aka cheong keok hai)

(Please dont tell my future gf that i almost kiss her!!!==")

(Look clearly at this picture, the most attractive part is not looking at me tasting turkey stick, the beauty of this picture is to take a look at my SMELLY ARMPIT. Sincerely thanks Noobby Jeremy ^spotted^ my ARMPIT.)