I found out that every song represent the pathway and life we have experience throughout our life, it brings out our thought, feeling, and emotions. However, I found out that not every singer or every song writer does have the true ability to create and sing their song.
I was once admired of JAY CHOU, I dont even now why I like his song so much in the past. But now, when I really listen carefully about his lyric, it seems that not all of his song, especially those rapping song he sang, ITS TOTALLY MEANINGLESS. And his singing style is even worse. Cant even listen properly what words or message he is trying to sing out to people. Yet, because of his unproperly single style or should i say he is mumbling all the while when he is singing, that how he became popular, THE SPECIAL ONE, have even more fans than JOSE MOURINHO.

(very cool man, but.....sory 2 Jay fans out there, no offence, but its true comment)
And suddenly I found out this is a very, very nice song
Mungkin bila nanti:
Sahaja ku berkata mungkin yang terakhir kalinya
Sudahlah lepaskan semua kuyakin inilah waktunya
Mungkin saja kau bukan yang dulu lagi
Mungkin saja rasa itu telah pergi
Dan mungkin bila nanti kita kan bertemu lagi
Satu pintaku jangan kau cuba tanyakan kembali
Rasa yang ku tinggal mati
Seperti hari kemarin saat semua disini
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