Particular might think that i have time to post my blog, but i do not own a time to spend. Is ok, the reason is that, i'm really busy with my job. What job? Posting blog? Yes, actually posting blog is a job too.
I'm currently at outstation, networking with people. So, the other words to replace ^networking with people^ is being ^gay poh^.
Well, look at my previous blog, Khairy boleh. He memang boleh la, if not how to become UMNO youth ^greatest^ l(e)adder. Whatever you called him. This film is gotten from 15 Malaysia short film, filming all the typical Malaysia Boleh style of living.
Now every time i post my blog, i would likely to put a picture or maybe video. Cause typing makes readers bored, well, pictures and video present more than a thousands words. Here goes the han(p)s(a)pome boy...lolz.

how about this? Lalat rider?
This is also a way to prevent E(eyes) H1N1.
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