I dont know what the fark is life to me now. I lost direction, I lost my soul and I gonna lost my brain soon. I always know that I'm a loser, but I never predict that, until today, I dont know what the fark I want about my life.
I only know that, I want to stop study, get my ass off to work. Please, I really damn farking hate study. I know study is not the factor that turn my life soo shit now, but, without study, even though life could be fark tup, yet, it wont be as harsh as now. God please forsaken me for being such messy now. Can you please help me settle down my life now. I know I sound silly begging you here at my blog, but if you already read my message and my mind, please tell me whats tomorrow in my dream. Can you?
Arggh, recently already brain wash by night life. Its already at the peak limit. Yet, I feel excited and relieve each time I went, I feel, this is not a life that I want, but at least it takes off my stress and pain. Do you people know how sorrow I feel? How heavy I have a backpack to carry? How much burden I have to bared? How much hate I have on a particular person? How much freedom I really want to have? shittsss.
And damn, I dont have a new year resolution, at least last time I planned, now, I dont know what lies ahead of me. Arghhhhhh!!!!fark tup. Well below shows my recent lifestyle.
(I wanna be a nerd in the bar, not in the school.lol)
(Bottoms ups, nahhh, just a bit oni)
(Me and the nooby jeremy ;-D)
What goes around comes around, I believe in karma. Life? haiyyyyyy!!!
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