Long time no update ler. I guess is a week. It’s been a very busy week for me. Busy what? Well, actually not really that busy la, but ar, just fooling around and lepaking around kl only la. So ar, lets start the story on last week Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Didn’t get a chance to balik kampong last week because need to attend swimming course. Well, what more can I say? It’s kind of boring. But ar, get to learn some technical rules of being an official in swimming. Actually this course is for us, swimmers to get a certificate of being a technical official in swimming competition. Hmm, during the course, nevertheless we need to take test. Haiy, until now I still don’t know how’s my result? If I pass, means I get to be a rookie technical official, haha.
K la, that’s all from swimming, boring talk about it. Well, sometimes dream are easy to be fantasies, but reality is always out of imagination. K, what I’m try to imply is that, I hate being restless. Reality it’s really too harsh. How? I still have to live with it. Sometimes, when I feel everything is on my mind to happen, but it’s out of my hand to control. I not facing any problem, just some difficulty discourage me of doing something I think I should do. Is ok, whatever it is just leave out all the rest, and ZZZZzzzzZZZZZZ. I'll continue blogging picture about my Taiwan trip.

(nice place, this is the first place we visit, i also dont know whats this place name? But I know is at the hill. Hmm,I still remember that when we reach this place, the wind blown strongly. That time got (tai feng) ma, Taiwan average hurricane. lolz

Sweets!! I didnt bought cause i tak tahu makan this kind of sweet.

Mango jelly, and others jelly very cool when swallow. I test it, its very nice, didnt buy cause tak boleh tahan long, want buy come back malaysia makan ma.

Me and my mom

I should have post like JESUS, AHMEN! Nevermind, its over. Cheers...

Free land, i mean this land is not free, But its open for everyone to visit with no cost. Its this place is like a palace built by dont know which king. I have no idea and interest to know who the heck created all this building, what more important is that, this place is a best place for youngsters to ;lepak. In the morning, you can see aunty uncle doing exercise here, do tai chee. In the afternoon, you can see some hip hoppers dancing there, then finally in the night, YOU CAN SEE OR DO IT YOURSELF, PEOPLE PAK TO, KISSING AND MANY MORE LA, ALL THIS NIGHT ACTIVITY ARE CONDUCT LEGALLY AND OPENLY IN TAIWAN, NOT IN MALAYSIA. SO DONT TRY THIS AT MALAYSIA.

Taipei I0I building.

Glad to be at IOI taking pic,weeeeeeeeeee.

Our tour guild. Look properly he look like which star??
k la, got to stop now. Lazy blog agsin. Haha. Sorry to shorty5 man, didnt notice it was your birth day on october 15. Happy belated birthday. Then this friday is Jeremy birthday lo, dont know go where celebrate yet. So far one of my banana friend say go sing k wor. Dont know la, will see on Saturday.