Guess where am I now? I'm at hotel now. Thank goodness here got computer let me online. If not,i'll be dead of boredom,lolz.. Actually,stay hotel here wont get bored, you know what? Taiwan Tv channel here got 100++ interactive channel ler, most also entertaining. Wah sai, the channel here is si beh ho kuah, astro mana boleh fight, astro only show part of Taiwan show only ler. Ok,now the purpose I blog now is to share the places i went during this two day at Taiwan.
First day:
Afternoon 12.30pm wait at KLIA, wait till 3pm only the plane depart. Haiy, disappoint la, i got no chance sit beside the window of the plane, cant see the view outside, cant see my skyblue,haiy. Hmm, shock la get to sit aeroplane, second time in my life ma. I love it when the plane accelerating and flying up la, cheeeeeeeekekekkkkkk la, some more the whole plane vibrating, fooh,shock.
Ah piang eiiii, mian kong la, the air-stewardess, chiok chun...haha. I ride the China Airline plane, so all the ah piang eiii air-stewardess are from China lo.
First day no activity lo.
Second day:
Morning breakfast first lo. Then first destination is go I forgot what mountain?hehe. Hmm, the mountain, not really that cold, but the wind blow is strong (Taiwan is facing hurricane). Go up there take picture with mom lo. ok, i damn lazy type so much d.
The most important thing to see today:
Taiwan, all streets FULL OF LENG LUI....DAMN CHUN LA WEI.
However, all seafood aka lala. lolz. Here all follow japanese style la.
But nevermind, all i chi ban. haha, seriously, i want got know them la, see tomorrow got chance or not, haha.
k la,stop here first, lazy type d. Picture says thousands words, will upload picture when i come back Malaysia. By the way, (wai guo de yue liang bi jiao yuan) what i try to signify is that, don't talk about the infrastructure and lifestyle in Malaysia compare to Taiwan la, the courtesy at here wins millions or trillion of poor attitude people from Malaysia la(included me as one of the uncourteous people as well). Kanasai la our service at Malaysia.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I'm leaving on a jet plane
Weeeeee,cause i'm leaving on a jet plane,i'll be going to Taiwan holiday today,haha. I'll be back at Oct 5. 9 days trip man. Hopefully get 2 meet Jay chow there?haha..dream on man. Haiyo, planning bring along laptop go,but my bag fully pack d, so cant lo. Some more so heavy, lazy carry go la. So I'm gonna neglect my blog for temporary lo. Reader must miss me lo,lol. K la,below is some of the picture taken during trip to genting with DAC group 7 clasmate.
Hmm,well that day only 13 person of group 7 people go only. Frankly, I quite
disappoint with myself cause unable to persuade all of them go. 13 out of 40 of G7 people go only. Haiy. Well, at least this bunch of classmate still enjoy themselves at genting, i hope so they really enjoy. That day, i get to play a new game, known as "mafia". Hmm, I lazy to explain how play. K la, picture paints a thousands words, i'll post picture let u all(readers) see la.

(DAC G7, poser, yeng ler!)

(I'm always being gay, please check dictionary b4 misunderstood the word gay)

(At ice world)

(wooh, surrounded by girls!!hehe)

(freezing ourself outside genting during night)

(At snooker center)

(Here comes mike rolling the ball)


(Kelly is on a mission to roll,roll,roll a bowl, masuk ke longkang,rolling rolling rolling rolling masuk ke longkang,lol)

(apa nak buat? Curi fair-lady la)

(Taking pic in the middle of the road)

(another poser from us)
Hmm,well that day only 13 person of group 7 people go only. Frankly, I quite
disappoint with myself cause unable to persuade all of them go. 13 out of 40 of G7 people go only. Haiy. Well, at least this bunch of classmate still enjoy themselves at genting, i hope so they really enjoy. That day, i get to play a new game, known as "mafia". Hmm, I lazy to explain how play. K la, picture paints a thousands words, i'll post picture let u all(readers) see la.

(DAC G7, poser, yeng ler!)

(I'm always being gay, please check dictionary b4 misunderstood the word gay)

(At ice world)

(wooh, surrounded by girls!!hehe)

(freezing ourself outside genting during night)

(At snooker center)

(Here comes mike rolling the ball)


(Kelly is on a mission to roll,roll,roll a bowl, masuk ke longkang,rolling rolling rolling rolling masuk ke longkang,lol)

(apa nak buat? Curi fair-lady la)

(Taking pic in the middle of the road)

(another poser from us)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
skybluejl aka superman
Skybluejl = Superman. Believe it or not? Readers, you have to believe me cause I HAVE SUPERMAN SHIRT. So sorry for being so fucking sexy of being a SUPERMAN,LOLZ. However a perfect superman is imperfect without a SUPERMAN UNDERWEAR, and so, I didn’t own a SUPERMAN UNDERWEAR, I’m not a perfect SUPERMAN yet, swt. Haha, still remember previous blog I said I’ll show something new from me? Neh, I bought a new SUPERMAN shirt and SORRY FOR BEING SO FUCKING SEXY SHIRT. Nevertheless, I even bought a new watch. Well, with all this 3 stuff, I have a new kind of appearance to show in 2nd sem. Hehe. Actually, I buy all this shirt is also in conjunction that I’m going Taiwan holiday on this coming Friday lo. Yeah, I’m going Taiwan this Friday man, first time go until so far, the previous furthers place I went was only till Hat Yai Thailand only. And now, I have a chance to ride in a plane, woohoo. But I know sitting in a plane is not as comfortable as I’m a sitting in a monorail train, travel in a plane may not be as comfortable as I ever dream, perhaps!
Great news, oil price is Malaysia is dropping again, but only 10 cents, haiy. And ar, about politics, still the same, Bodowi still PM in Malaysia, and DSAI still yet to take over the federal government. In conclusion, the suns still rise in the east and set in the west. WTH, did it make sense? What those politicians fooling around? Can someone like DSAI or anyone with authority just take over the PM seats and same Malaysian economy before it becoming from bad to worst. Look at our economy now, even foreign investor have to think twice before start any investing or business in Malaysia. Haiy. K la, is stop here first. Next blog will only update my trip to genting picture and experience. Wait, here some comment from???
-Anwar is a threat to security because all the Policeman are already assigned to create evidences to put him in jail and no more policeman carry out job to fight criminals.
- WHy dont we all make police report against
1. badawi: for abuse of power, corruption and sleeping on the job
2. syed hamid yemeni: for being stupid and lying trying to con the rest of the country
3. the rest of umno and believers of hadhari / ketuanan melayu: for aggression against peace loving Malaysians

Superman shirt aka skybluejl

New watch

Don't think i'm sexy, because i'm fucking sexy.
Great news, oil price is Malaysia is dropping again, but only 10 cents, haiy. And ar, about politics, still the same, Bodowi still PM in Malaysia, and DSAI still yet to take over the federal government. In conclusion, the suns still rise in the east and set in the west. WTH, did it make sense? What those politicians fooling around? Can someone like DSAI or anyone with authority just take over the PM seats and same Malaysian economy before it becoming from bad to worst. Look at our economy now, even foreign investor have to think twice before start any investing or business in Malaysia. Haiy. K la, is stop here first. Next blog will only update my trip to genting picture and experience. Wait, here some comment from???
-Anwar is a threat to security because all the Policeman are already assigned to create evidences to put him in jail and no more policeman carry out job to fight criminals.
- WHy dont we all make police report against
1. badawi: for abuse of power, corruption and sleeping on the job
2. syed hamid yemeni: for being stupid and lying trying to con the rest of the country
3. the rest of umno and believers of hadhari / ketuanan melayu: for aggression against peace loving Malaysians
Superman shirt aka skybluejl
New watch
Don't think i'm sexy, because i'm fucking sexy.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Meaningful song
歌手:李圣杰 (你们要快乐)
Don't worry readers, I'm not facing such situation. What situation? Watch that link video lo. Well, going genting later, weeeeeeeee. Oh ya, just now went watch movie with parents, $$$$$ NOT ENOUGH II. I love like mad during the part when the mom keep asking the son you ate d? you come back d? you ate d? you come back d? you ate d, you come back d? laugh more,please go check out dis movie: $$$$$ NOT ENOUGH II. Its not only funny, but its touching too. K la, upload till here. Next post show something nice from me. Hehe...
Don't worry readers, I'm not facing such situation. What situation? Watch that link video lo. Well, going genting later, weeeeeeeee. Oh ya, just now went watch movie with parents, $$$$$ NOT ENOUGH II. I love like mad during the part when the mom keep asking the son you ate d? you come back d? you ate d? you come back d? you ate d, you come back d? laugh more,please go check out dis movie: $$$$$ NOT ENOUGH II. Its not only funny, but its touching too. K la, upload till here. Next post show something nice from me. Hehe...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Freedom aka MERDEKA
Finally, and finally, every stress and frustration has been over. Exams over and burden is lessen, but is for a temporary of time, because, Sem 2, there’s more to come. Alright, I don’t want to talk what happen or what I’ve done to my paper, whether is right or wrong, I already pen it and hand it, all I can summarize is, I have done my best. Whatever it is, I’ll just for the outcome. Ok, my time here now is 3am in the Saturday morning. I just came back from snooker with two banana friends. Since exams over, it s really time for me to enjoy to max and play to the max. Thought it is costly to play, but at least it gives me satisfaction. Hmm, later going sunway pyramid with Jeremy, want go buy my hero shirt, hehe. I’ll post the T-shirt after I buy it.
Surprise to myself, finally, I KNOW TO PLAY DOTA., haha. Hmm, I’m suddenly indulge in this game after I get to MONSTER KILL AND DOUBLE KILL. Its really high and excited when you heard it. For those who don’t understand my statement, those monster kill is a phrase express when you playing the game. Only nooby of dota know la, haha. Since Sem break is on the way, I get to enjoy myself to play dota and train myself to beat my friends and roommate, hahaha. Watch out guys, I’ll try my best to play. And, I'm gonna play and rest fully during this Sem break. Yes, yes, yes..Merdeka, merdeka, and merdeka. K la, update my blog till here la. Picture will be shown below.

Surprise to myself, finally, I KNOW TO PLAY DOTA., haha. Hmm, I’m suddenly indulge in this game after I get to MONSTER KILL AND DOUBLE KILL. Its really high and excited when you heard it. For those who don’t understand my statement, those monster kill is a phrase express when you playing the game. Only nooby of dota know la, haha. Since Sem break is on the way, I get to enjoy myself to play dota and train myself to beat my friends and roommate, hahaha. Watch out guys, I’ll try my best to play. And, I'm gonna play and rest fully during this Sem break. Yes, yes, yes..Merdeka, merdeka, and merdeka. K la, update my blog till here la. Picture will be shown below.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Nothing better to post
Wooh, although I don’t have fcuk, calvin klein, guess or zara, yet, I have PDI. Hehe. Support padini ma, PDI is also PADINI de, somemore last time I work at PADINI ler. Bought a new white short pant. Guess what, I got myself another hair-cut again. This time is looks like half punk! Haha. No choice, must cut hair d, cause I don’t like my hair long and I’m not suit to keep long hair, punk style ngam me. Hehe. I’ll upload my nice punky hair when I style my hair la, I just now forgotten took my nice punky hair. I want buy new cap. Haiy, too many wants but less money to satisfy. Nothing special to update la nowadays, damn boring now. Just finish play counter. Then just now revise ME and Account. I cant wait to end this blardy exam la, faster end then I can faster merdeka la. Haiy. Damn shit la need study. Jealous those who finish their exam before 19 september. Haiy. Anyway, plan this coming Friday go Pyramid, find my hero shirt. K la, I think that’s all la, don’t know what to blog la. Feel like want to neglect blog again, freaking lazy and boring to upload. Haiy. Everyday also same old boring story. Oh ya, yesterday view Friendster to see some update about friends update picture. Saw some of them couple d. Some very match with each other, sweet and lovely. Haiy, I jealous ler, so what? Every time also like that, so close yet so far. I ming ming shi you de, but, every time also got but. But, but, but, I’m gonna kick my butttttttttttt la. Haizzzzzzzzzzzz. Damn huan la, fcuk myself la, I really have to get fcuk shirt d, fcuk me fcuk me, come fcuk me!!!!! Well, to let myself feel better, I quote this 现在失去也好过趁经拥有。Picture will be upload when I after i take my nice nice punky hair..lolz
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Nothing special
Wah or yeah, 她终于看我的profile了。没什么啦,就觉得高兴一点吧。真的不能否认,我一个星期里,一定会遇到她一次。那天向她说嗨时,她男友也在她旁边。就这样咯,没什么再好写了吧。
Haiz, 4 exams subject already over. Left 2 more which is Microeco and Account. I can handle account while eco just need to study more detail la. At home now, now is 3am in the morning, which is already Sunday, still haven’t sleep yet. I can’t sleep yet because, when I see my lovely computer, I just can’t stand but to type it.
Yesterday, which means Saturday la, went out with banana friends, where else? Esso mamak la, boring place d, but gathering is our main vision. I think two week didn’t meet them d, but still not much change about them la. Today I just finish my BS exam, gosh, I get to finish all just in time, but I have no time no check, haiy. But over d la, complain also no use.
Hmm, got no much to write now. Lets just write about my dream girl or god gal aka Liu San. Haha. Hmm, today BS exam, saw her, Cha Jian er Guo, haiy. Wanted to smile to her, but no dare la. Bastard me. Then after BS, saw her again, bastard me, still don’t dare to smile to her. Haiy. I still finding chance know her la. Hope next sem get to sit with her during lecturer? Who’s knows. Hehe.
Damn la, I want buy new shirt la. Fcuk, calvin klein, guess, zara, dkny, top man…. All I want is them. But all I insufficient is $$$. Shit. Well, guess what, during sem break, I’m going Taiwan with my mom, hehe. Get to ride in an aeroplane. In my life, I only ride once aeroplane, when I was I forget whats my age? Lolz. K la, till here only la, going oink d la.
Haiz, 4 exams subject already over. Left 2 more which is Microeco and Account. I can handle account while eco just need to study more detail la. At home now, now is 3am in the morning, which is already Sunday, still haven’t sleep yet. I can’t sleep yet because, when I see my lovely computer, I just can’t stand but to type it.
Yesterday, which means Saturday la, went out with banana friends, where else? Esso mamak la, boring place d, but gathering is our main vision. I think two week didn’t meet them d, but still not much change about them la. Today I just finish my BS exam, gosh, I get to finish all just in time, but I have no time no check, haiy. But over d la, complain also no use.
Hmm, got no much to write now. Lets just write about my dream girl or god gal aka Liu San. Haha. Hmm, today BS exam, saw her, Cha Jian er Guo, haiy. Wanted to smile to her, but no dare la. Bastard me. Then after BS, saw her again, bastard me, still don’t dare to smile to her. Haiy. I still finding chance know her la. Hope next sem get to sit with her during lecturer? Who’s knows. Hehe.
Damn la, I want buy new shirt la. Fcuk, calvin klein, guess, zara, dkny, top man…. All I want is them. But all I insufficient is $$$. Shit. Well, guess what, during sem break, I’m going Taiwan with my mom, hehe. Get to ride in an aeroplane. In my life, I only ride once aeroplane, when I was I forget whats my age? Lolz. K la, till here only la, going oink d la.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Somewhere i belong
Nothing to do here. So just post for fun. No mood study..dont know what to do? HE exam is on friday, but i think i can handle it. No problem la, people aroud me think I am capable of obtaining Disctinction! Hehe. Where am i now? CIT room, running away from hostel. Sick of there. Facing the bloody 3 wall all day, sophocated. Sorry to my roommate for going out rudely without telling him where I'm go. But i'm really not in a mood to talk anything just now. Well, got to go now, post again next time. Dammit, just now read news about DSAI, he's going to delay his 916 take over our beloved country. I dont know what happen cause i didnt read full details about it. Haiy. k la, stop here.I'm sesat what to do next.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Ok, just now 10.30pm I was reading HE, hubungan etnik, my college subject halfway,
then I went down my living room watch tv. The show was at astro 301 channel, which is AEC, the show is pembentangan/debat about politics. For those who have astro maybe they know what kind of show I’m talking about la. Today, the show topic was about Ahmad seditious act and his ego not to apologize for what he has said.
Well, I this few days also just update myself with Malaysia politic news. So if my opinion is not right for readers, you all can fight back la. And well I believe Malaysia is a democratic contries, so I have the right to boost proper opinion, I have my right to talk. Whether Ahmad wants sincerely apologize or force or have to apologize, he has to accept the fact he has hurt the non-malays. So sorry or not sorry, you sudah kata, you sendiri melayu tak tau undang ka? You, Ahmad tahu apa itu perlembagaan? You tahu you tak boleh mengeluarkan perkataan-perkataan atau isu-isu sensitive? Ini Negara Malaysia, bukan Negara you atau orang melayu sahaja, kita semua hidup satu tempat, semua ada sumbangan, tidak kira siapa banyak sumbang atau siapa tak berguna, janji Malaysia diberi sumbangan, semua hidup aman la. We non-malays since 1957 until now, did we ever question or complain in the media that we are very unsatisfied with the laws? Did we mogok-mogok and ask you/any authorities that it is unfair we do not have the same special right as the Bumiputra have? We accept the fact that we don’t have special right, that is why we fight for our success without any of special right given, which is why we the non-malays are so success in many ways, because we use our own ability! Don’t you think so? Look at what history had done to give special treatment to Bumiputra? They have been pampered, just like you Ahmad, a person who been pampered will never think before he talk, that is why you can insult and leave such a big impact to the malaysian. However, I’m very proud of you, Ahmad, because you have become the key to success for 916. Jadi Ahmad (屁可以乱放,话不可乱讲。 kentut boleh chin chai keluar, cakap jangan chin chai keluar.)
And for Mr M, apa lu mau la? Aren’t you retired and tired? Can’t you just sit at home now and enjoy you bulan Ramadan? Aren’t you hungry when you talk? Do you mean what you said? What have been said by Datuk____ in his blog was true, I forgot his name, but he’s the star newspaper director or something la. Mr M, our country famous rapper, Wee ___ ___, (forgot his name again), who sang Negarakuk@, did want to apologize to the media, the MCA did made effort to open the news conference for Mr Wee to apologize, but it was reject by the cabinet. So Mr M, who didn’t give chance for Mr Wee apologize? Talk about Hindraf, some of the Indian still detain in jail k. They deserve their apologize because they had been detain by ISA and jail. Well, Mr M, so is Mr Ahmad deserve to be sentence to jail since he remarks out such sensitive issue?
Well, this is all the politic knowledge I know. So reader, may just send you feedback ya. Aduh, if my HE exam allow me to write all the ^good thing^ related etnik, I can confidently score a distinct la wei, haiy, too bad, I really have to write ^good thing^ about HE. Monday will be my English test, hope the essay and comprehension topic will be easy la.
O ya,too all my banana friends, sorry man, I really got no mood and time to come out during exam period. So I apologize cause cant spend time with you guys. But after exam, i hope you all will busy entertain me la ya, haha. Take care to all my friends and happy collegeing/study.
Here are some random picture took by me too while nerding. Hehe.

then I went down my living room watch tv. The show was at astro 301 channel, which is AEC, the show is pembentangan/debat about politics. For those who have astro maybe they know what kind of show I’m talking about la. Today, the show topic was about Ahmad seditious act and his ego not to apologize for what he has said.
Well, I this few days also just update myself with Malaysia politic news. So if my opinion is not right for readers, you all can fight back la. And well I believe Malaysia is a democratic contries, so I have the right to boost proper opinion, I have my right to talk. Whether Ahmad wants sincerely apologize or force or have to apologize, he has to accept the fact he has hurt the non-malays. So sorry or not sorry, you sudah kata, you sendiri melayu tak tau undang ka? You, Ahmad tahu apa itu perlembagaan? You tahu you tak boleh mengeluarkan perkataan-perkataan atau isu-isu sensitive? Ini Negara Malaysia, bukan Negara you atau orang melayu sahaja, kita semua hidup satu tempat, semua ada sumbangan, tidak kira siapa banyak sumbang atau siapa tak berguna, janji Malaysia diberi sumbangan, semua hidup aman la. We non-malays since 1957 until now, did we ever question or complain in the media that we are very unsatisfied with the laws? Did we mogok-mogok and ask you/any authorities that it is unfair we do not have the same special right as the Bumiputra have? We accept the fact that we don’t have special right, that is why we fight for our success without any of special right given, which is why we the non-malays are so success in many ways, because we use our own ability! Don’t you think so? Look at what history had done to give special treatment to Bumiputra? They have been pampered, just like you Ahmad, a person who been pampered will never think before he talk, that is why you can insult and leave such a big impact to the malaysian. However, I’m very proud of you, Ahmad, because you have become the key to success for 916. Jadi Ahmad (屁可以乱放,话不可乱讲。 kentut boleh chin chai keluar, cakap jangan chin chai keluar.)
And for Mr M, apa lu mau la? Aren’t you retired and tired? Can’t you just sit at home now and enjoy you bulan Ramadan? Aren’t you hungry when you talk? Do you mean what you said? What have been said by Datuk____ in his blog was true, I forgot his name, but he’s the star newspaper director or something la. Mr M, our country famous rapper, Wee ___ ___, (forgot his name again), who sang Negarakuk@, did want to apologize to the media, the MCA did made effort to open the news conference for Mr Wee to apologize, but it was reject by the cabinet. So Mr M, who didn’t give chance for Mr Wee apologize? Talk about Hindraf, some of the Indian still detain in jail k. They deserve their apologize because they had been detain by ISA and jail. Well, Mr M, so is Mr Ahmad deserve to be sentence to jail since he remarks out such sensitive issue?
Well, this is all the politic knowledge I know. So reader, may just send you feedback ya. Aduh, if my HE exam allow me to write all the ^good thing^ related etnik, I can confidently score a distinct la wei, haiy, too bad, I really have to write ^good thing^ about HE. Monday will be my English test, hope the essay and comprehension topic will be easy la.
O ya,too all my banana friends, sorry man, I really got no mood and time to come out during exam period. So I apologize cause cant spend time with you guys. But after exam, i hope you all will busy entertain me la ya, haha. Take care to all my friends and happy collegeing/study.
Here are some random picture took by me too while nerding. Hehe.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Poll-ice talk cock!!!Racism!!!Lastly, my remarks!!!
The poll-ice will say one thing and then will do the opposite". Or they will do one thing and then say the opposite. Or they will have nothing to say because they do not know how to to do anything. My experience says the Malaysian poll-ice is ONLY good depending on whom they deal with. Just like a lion going for the deer. Do you ever see the lion confronting the elephant?
Opposition stalwart Lim Kit Siang posted an article on his Facebook social networking page saying he could become Malaysia's first Chinese deputy leader if the opposition takes control.
N-M should not question M privileges. Instead, they must be grateful that M give them citizenship and a place to stay.--->Ooi, then M should b proud that N-M contribute so much business opportunities to our the beloved countries? Don't you, M's?? F@ck those who dare to say those bolded words.
"How many young souls have been hurt and how many enlightening brains have been poisoned?"
Holly shit, what happen to Malaysian, Racism all the way. Fulamakkk! Please stop it before the country is destroyed. What we need are understanding and tolerance, not hatred and confrontation.
Reader let me explain in BM more details if you dont understand RACISM!!
Rasisme-->Pandangan negatif oleh sesuatu kelonpok sosial terhadap kelompok lain berdasarkan perbezaan wajah fizikal-biologikal.

Against Racism

Peace/please, I still want develop my opportunity in Malaysia, please, stop racism so that the younger generation like me can survive peacefully. Today teenage's is tomorrow leader.

Please, I can be a superman in future that may bring opportunities to others. Please support me. Hahaha..Ain't no funny, trust me, I'll create my opportunity.
Opposition stalwart Lim Kit Siang posted an article on his Facebook social networking page saying he could become Malaysia's first Chinese deputy leader if the opposition takes control.
N-M should not question M privileges. Instead, they must be grateful that M give them citizenship and a place to stay.--->Ooi, then M should b proud that N-M contribute so much business opportunities to our the beloved countries? Don't you, M's?? F@ck those who dare to say those bolded words.
"How many young souls have been hurt and how many enlightening brains have been poisoned?"
Holly shit, what happen to Malaysian, Racism all the way. Fulamakkk! Please stop it before the country is destroyed. What we need are understanding and tolerance, not hatred and confrontation.
Reader let me explain in BM more details if you dont understand RACISM!!
Rasisme-->Pandangan negatif oleh sesuatu kelonpok sosial terhadap kelompok lain berdasarkan perbezaan wajah fizikal-biologikal.

Against Racism

Peace/please, I still want develop my opportunity in Malaysia, please, stop racism so that the younger generation like me can survive peacefully. Today teenage's is tomorrow leader.

Please, I can be a superman in future that may bring opportunities to others. Please support me. Hahaha..Ain't no funny, trust me, I'll create my opportunity.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Just finish BITA exam yesterday, means Thursday la. Don’t ask me whether I’m confident to score a distinction or good result, all I can say I already do my best, the outcome, its depend on my effort and luck. I have already used 4 weeks time to memorize and nerd the whole note, haiy. Yesterday read a bit of news, there are possibilities of dropping of fuel price on October? Sure bo Mr B!! I don’t know about the latest update regards about politics. Now, I still need focus on 5 more subjects.
Hmm, guess what, I found my pip pop pip poppppp pooopppppopoppp, dream girl. Haha. Aduh, I still waiting chance to tackle her. But don’t know how to start. If reader were to ask me is this girl fulfill my 19 criteria, I’m sorry la, who on earth have such bitch can fulfill that criteria created by me, If ever have such good bitch, please intro to me, I can ask her be my dog or slave. LOLZ…. Chill la readers. I know you all will say if this girl is a bitch, then I’m a bastard? Ya, of cause I’m a bastard IF I have such gf. But the problem is, you guys will never ever get that 19 criteria girls in your life, so you all may start dream on babe. Talk about this girl, hmm, she’s……...........................this I’ll keep to myself. Hehe..
Here are some randomly stupid pictures to be share. I have nothing better to do in hostel while I was nerding.
Who's Aeroplance Breast????Wooohhhhh

Chill, its's my back Aeroplance Pimples only la!!!

Just finish BITA exam yesterday, means Thursday la. Don’t ask me whether I’m confident to score a distinction or good result, all I can say I already do my best, the outcome, its depend on my effort and luck. I have already used 4 weeks time to memorize and nerd the whole note, haiy. Yesterday read a bit of news, there are possibilities of dropping of fuel price on October? Sure bo Mr B!! I don’t know about the latest update regards about politics. Now, I still need focus on 5 more subjects.
Hmm, guess what, I found my pip pop pip poppppp pooopppppopoppp, dream girl. Haha. Aduh, I still waiting chance to tackle her. But don’t know how to start. If reader were to ask me is this girl fulfill my 19 criteria, I’m sorry la, who on earth have such bitch can fulfill that criteria created by me, If ever have such good bitch, please intro to me, I can ask her be my dog or slave. LOLZ…. Chill la readers. I know you all will say if this girl is a bitch, then I’m a bastard? Ya, of cause I’m a bastard IF I have such gf. But the problem is, you guys will never ever get that 19 criteria girls in your life, so you all may start dream on babe. Talk about this girl, hmm, she’s……...........................this I’ll keep to myself. Hehe..
Here are some randomly stupid pictures to be share. I have nothing better to do in hostel while I was nerding.
Who's Aeroplance Breast????Wooohhhhh
Chill, its's my back Aeroplance Pimples only la!!!
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