Just finish BITA exam yesterday, means Thursday la. Don’t ask me whether I’m confident to score a distinction or good result, all I can say I already do my best, the outcome, its depend on my effort and luck. I have already used 4 weeks time to memorize and nerd the whole note, haiy. Yesterday read a bit of news, there are possibilities of dropping of fuel price on October? Sure bo Mr B!! I don’t know about the latest update regards about politics. Now, I still need focus on 5 more subjects.
Hmm, guess what, I found my pip pop pip poppppp pooopppppopoppp, dream girl. Haha. Aduh, I still waiting chance to tackle her. But don’t know how to start. If reader were to ask me is this girl fulfill my 19 criteria, I’m sorry la, who on earth have such bitch can fulfill that criteria created by me, If ever have such good bitch, please intro to me, I can ask her be my dog or slave. LOLZ…. Chill la readers. I know you all will say if this girl is a bitch, then I’m a bastard? Ya, of cause I’m a bastard IF I have such gf. But the problem is, you guys will never ever get that 19 criteria girls in your life, so you all may start dream on babe. Talk about this girl, hmm, she’s……...........................this I’ll keep to myself. Hehe..
Here are some randomly stupid pictures to be share. I have nothing better to do in hostel while I was nerding.
Who's Aeroplance Breast????Wooohhhhh
Chill, its's my back Aeroplance Pimples only la!!!
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