Opposition stalwart Lim Kit Siang posted an article on his Facebook social networking page saying he could become Malaysia's first Chinese deputy leader if the opposition takes control.
N-M should not question M privileges. Instead, they must be grateful that M give them citizenship and a place to stay.--->Ooi, then M should b proud that N-M contribute so much business opportunities to our the beloved countries? Don't you, M's?? F@ck those who dare to say those bolded words.
"How many young souls have been hurt and how many enlightening brains have been poisoned?"
Holly shit, what happen to Malaysian, Racism all the way. Fulamakkk! Please stop it before the country is destroyed. What we need are understanding and tolerance, not hatred and confrontation.
Reader let me explain in BM more details if you dont understand RACISM!!
Rasisme-->Pandangan negatif oleh sesuatu kelonpok sosial terhadap kelompok lain berdasarkan perbezaan wajah fizikal-biologikal.

Against Racism

Peace/please, I still want develop my opportunity in Malaysia, please, stop racism so that the younger generation like me can survive peacefully. Today teenage's is tomorrow leader.

Please, I can be a superman in future that may bring opportunities to others. Please support me. Hahaha..Ain't no funny, trust me, I'll create my opportunity.
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