Sunday, August 31, 2008
Yesterday night, watch youtube, watch DSAI video, dia kutuk kao kao saja, this time is depan mari la, bukan belakang mari. DSAI is even more than a star, he even appear in Bloomberg, gosh. I love his speech in youtube:
“Saya dalam beberapa bulan yang lalu dari Perlis sampai ke Sabah, saya announce, saya kata, please give us the support. Kalau hari ini hari election, ini malam result dia announce, kita menang(pkr), esok, saya terus announce, saya dengan ini umumkan, HARGA MINYAK SELURUH NEGARA, TURUN SERTA MERTA. Bila saya buat bergitu, N terus hamtam saya, dia tak sebut nama. Dia kata ini orang yang ingat dia pandai ekonomi, sebenarnya tak tau ekonomi. Siapa kata? N, Mongolia. Dia kata, ini orang tak tau ekonomi, kalau awak ikut dia, turun harga minyak, ini Negara bankrap. Betulka N, ini you cakap ke? Saya menteri kewangan 8 Tahun, you mesti ingat, 1991 to 1998. Berapa harga minyak? 8 tahun berapa harga minyak? Bawah saya menteri kewangan. RM1.10 tak ada tukar. Harga minyak naik? Sekali saya naik 3sen, jadi RM1.13. Kemudian saya nampak orang ganaganagana bising. Complaint, complaint, complaint, cina complaint, melayu pun aiyo. 3 sen saja naik, Dia complaint, saya pun turun balik RM1.10. 8 tahun RM1.10, untung masa itu berapa untuk petronas? Untung pada masa itu range between 25 billion to 30 billion, saya kata cukup jaga sini, jaga sana, bayar hutang lama, semua boleh. Sekarang untung 80 billion, minyak lagi naik. Menang election bulan mac, minyak naik pada bulan april. You ingat betul-betul. 1 April naik, you pilih. Baik, saya nak jawab N, Kalau turun harga minyak, bukan turun sampai kita bankrap. Kita turun supaya untung kita. Dari 80 billion ke 70 atau 60 billion, kita masih untung, double daripada dahulu 20 billion. Lepas itu dia kata minyak kita LEBIH MAHAL DARIPADA NEGARA LAIN, lebih murah daripada Thailand, Singapura, Indonesia. Ya Negara ini bukan pengeluar minyak. KITA PENGELUAR MINYAK, jangan banding dengan Singapura. Kita mesti banding dgn Brunei, Qatar, UAE, Nigeria, Itu Negara pengeluar minyak. Ini ekonomi tak tau, apa N erti? YOU TAK BOLEH BANDING HARGA DURIAN MALAYSIA DENGAN HARGA DURIAN JEPUN, BODOH!!!! We produce, Negara di mana kita hasilkan. BAWANG DI INDIA MURAH, BAWANG DI MALAYSIA MAHAL, KERANA KITA IMPORT DARI INDIA. MINYAK DI MALAYSIA PATUT MURAH DARIPADA INDIA KERANA INDIA IMPORT,Areeeeee….karawaley(Indian word). Patutlah dia boleh berkawan dengan SAMY VELLU”.
K la, that’s all from me, will upload next, I don’t know when la, see when free then only upload. Readers just wish me all the best in my exams la.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Life is all about hard, harsh and hurt. Did anyone realize most of your time occupy by the unhappy moment? In this way, you reader better support this statement, it’s a fact. Don’t tell me you live happily 365 days and 24 hours a day without going through any unhappy event. If you do live happily every moment, then you can be my happy god. Even my religion also says that we live in a world of suffer. K, whatever kind of pain we are going through, we have to live. If you want to end you life, please fulfill your ambition and dreams first before you die. So don’t die easily, it’s a waste of life and your time. If you were born to die, and then please wait till the day you can die. In my daily life, I really does face a lot of difficulty and I have to deal with irritates person. But no matter how hard can life sinks me, I still face it and I accept and I push it to the limit. Facing problem is not a matter to me, but pursuing a dream is a hard task to me. I have idea, but I’m lack of guts. When I have guts I lack of confidence. But when I have confidence, I short of supports. Dammit. In college, I suddenly started admire my boss, or my head. Haha. He is a playful guy at first, but now, he has transform into an ambitious person. He have all the guts and confident to perform his dream. He even has support although not many. He can be a good leader, but now he’s not that good yet, but I know he is developing himself. He is a guy who true to pursue his dream. Ok, what I want to compare between me and him is that I have ambition but all I kept is only in my mind. And, I’m a complicated person. I just do know why, I love compare myself with others. I want to be a better person in term of leaderships, but I realize I’m not influential enough. Haiy. Sometimes I hope I can take My boss + Annuar (one of 10 most influential person appears in times magazine) = ME. Haha. Dream on babe.
And ar, anyway, good luck to you to my particular friend. I wish you can handle you life well. All you need to do is, live it and take it. You live to grow, no pain no gain. So all the best.
Here are some pic to upload. Taken today, it was our last day with English teacher,Madam Tan, she wont be teaching us in 2nd sem anymore.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Confession of angry heart
Haiy, no mood update d la.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Angel and Devil?
“We did it for the entire country and not just for the folks in Permatang Pauh,” he said.
In Butterworth, PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said he felt his fight to lower oil prices has paid off with petrol and diesel prices lowered by between eight and 22 sen per litre starting today.
Anwar said the people of Permatang Pauh should thank him for pursuing the matter.
“I also think this is an attempt (by Barisan Nasional) to win over some voters in Permatang Pauh but I do not think they will succeed,” he said.
Who's right who's wrong? My dear friend Shorty5, what do you think? I think I always a winner. I'll win every right if I'm angel, but win again every wrong if I'm devil.
Again, I cant really kick off my studies at home. Cant even bother to touch my book yet. So, I start online again and I check out the star web, and so i found out that particular statement. Actually I'm not a politic fanatic la, but its very cool and anxious when listen to my friends talks politic who knows politic well and talk more than a politician can speak,hehe.
Exam just around the corner, one more week only. Haiy, lets talk about my subject here. Err, my bs, got a bit of improvement. MicroEco, can handle. Account, no prob. HE, tak boleh masuk akal. Eng, now practicing typing lo, also consider writing ma. Business tecno, hmm, not really ok also. Procrastinate my time again. Haiy. K la, I really got to go now, have to force myself kick start.
Feb 19 = 19 Criteria a girl must have of becoming my gf, hehe:
1)Must be leng lui, eg: Miss universe
2)Must not be a fei po, but chubby acceptable la
3)Must be cute, eg: Cyndi Wang Xin Ling
4)Must have height not more than 168cm
5)Must not richer than me
6)Must not smarter than me, at least spm qualify 5A’s la
7)Must company me 24 hours a day
8)Must make me happy, until I smile or laugh
9)Must dress nicely, eg: no lala.
10)Must be long hair
11)Must have soft and straight hair
12)Must have boobs, B cup enough la
13)Must got body like coca cola bottle, the old version 1
14)Must be fair, not as fair as hantu can d
15)Must have no pimples on face
16)Must like Manchester United FC, crazy for them
17)Must tolerate me more, is a job
18)Must wash cloth for me, if you stay nearby me
19)Must cook for me, must be delicious
Girls? You boleh tahan saya ke? Can fulfill or not? Cannot ler, then very simple lo, find another guy which don’t need such many criteria. High aims ler, then only can get my chun perfect gf ma, mana boleh chin chai lagi, I don’t want kan toi lagi lo. Girls can naik harga bila-bila masa, why not me? Now all gender is fair and square. Only crazy people like me will set such aim. So, I’m really waiting to be with such girls who can fulfill such ^wonderful^ criteria. I think my criteria are magnificent.
In conclusion, I’m single and available all time, see you all girls want so me or not nie..haha.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Well, who do you cherish most in your life? I give you two choices? Parents or Friend? But what if you greedily want both to be cherished? Off course everyone will cherish more of theirs parents, because without them, you are nothing but an empty bottle. I wish that I could just treat both parties fairly, but this world is such realistic where no fairness will ever appear, if it does, then there will be no winner in this world. What more can I say that, sometimes I treat my parents not as good as I mix around with my friends. Lets put it this way, I can teach my friends anything, but I’m reluctantly refuse to teach my mom everything? Is this not fair enough for my mom? I want to teach my mom things, I mean she’s trying to learn something new like technology. But then, when I communicate, I just don’t really feel like to teach her. I want to teach but on the other hand I’m reluctant to teach. Just could not figure out why I’m so unfair when I want everything to be fair? Complicated person like me will ever face complicated matters. My mom just treat me more good and the more I grew older, the more she pampered me? How could I disappoint her? So, what more can I do? Just do well in coming final exam. Under pressure….
I’m not supposed to upload my blog this time, I suppose to be at hostel now. But I stay back at home just to watch Malaysian badminton team in action, mana tau kalah.. Buang masa saje, Nvm, I still can see my M.U in action too. Hope they don’t disappoint me, because I was watching half time and the score was 1-1.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Awaiting for the finalle
Should I or shouldn't I? What I meant is should I just keep up with my aims and ambitions or should I just follow my heart doing works that will make me feel comfortable and suits me? This is a very important and serious decision I must choose for my future. Change course or don't change course? This current situation has making me reminisce the poem "The Road Not Taken"
Two road diverge in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the?????????
And I had made___________
(I shall be announcing this somewhere sometimes....)
O yeah, today I just finish my HE presentation. Hmm, I spoke loudly, but my hand was shacking, feeling nervous man, but, I think my performance is good, at least I manage to tell out what I want to present. However, one of my group mate, did not do well, he didn't manage to tell out what he wants to tell, because he was extremely nervous. Haiy, just want to tell you my group mate, you already try your best, but make sure next time you really must practice well and write out small note to brain storm your idea. Good luck.
Hmm, sometimes, don’t know why, when you don’t wish to meet someone, but it always given chance to meet, but when you wish to meet, that person just does not exist. Why? That’s why; it’s not hard to meet someone, but its very miss not to meet someone that you wish to see.
I have a thought to share with girls if girls do read my blog? How do judge a guy who is not tall enough for you, or he is shorter than you? Well, think about it, I’m surveying my height. Haha. Suddenly I saw an attractive tall chick, not exactly tall la, but got height, especially wearing heels that time, “NAMPAK MACAM ANGGUNNYA”. Cheers…
Saturday, August 9, 2008
More to come, least to do
Yesterday, went mamak with banana gang. Hmm, before went mamak, I first company wh and Jeremy to jj. Wh actually want go cut hair, but its too late, shop about to close. Then Jeremy want buy things lo. Oh well, my next material to achieve will be a wallet and a watch. I have to start set my budget. Gosh, one particular elesse watch, the one I saw at jj or any outlet la, cost RM889 something. Fiuh, of course I wont buy this price of watch la, want kena chop mer, I meam my hand. Well, I’ll buy a watch which cost below 200. My theme, “peang, leng, jeng”read in Cantonese la. Hmm, means from now on, I have to try spend less in college d. Gosh, based on my calculation, I average per day spend 12 bucks d, haiy, those who read my blog and know math, u may just take 12x23days, then u can agak agak know how much is my monthly expenses, this amount is just minimum, maximum, I also can’t imagine. Haha.. Then, after jj, continue mamak lo. Haiy, during mamak, I kena suan kao kao by friend. Well, I know la my business fail, I know I doing charity. K la, you all are the best, no need face failure, no need do charity.
See now, I’m procrastinate my time. Haiy, i’m suppose do revision and nerding, notes is just beside me but I still facing my lovely darling laptop, haha. Haiy, final it’s really coming soon, scare but still slumber sitting down online, lolz. Oh ya, just now one my ns friend called me, from Kelantan. Supposedly he want study at kl, but suddenly he change his mind go back Kelantan. Last week was his last stay at kl, he did invite me out, but I was busy, that’s why didn’t get to see him before he leave, haiy. Suddenly very miss this ns friend, then I also feel bad cause didn’t contact with him, and I also didn’t contact with the rest ns friend. Thanks goodness this particular ns friend still remembers me, or should I say I particular forget him, ish. No matter what, when I’m free I hope I’ll contact back some of my ns friends. Hmm, that’s all from me, got to stop here, want oink oink d. Picture will be upload next time.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Its time to wake up..
Well well well, back to blogging again. Haarr, finally I got some free time now before heading for the final exam on September. Last Friday, just finish my course work test which includes Microeconomics and Hatred Business statistics.
Bad news to all my customers, attention for those who read my blog, my printing business is out of service d, and I don’t think I’m able to continue this business again due to break down of printer. So customer, I’ll have to apologize that I can’t give any low price printing to you all d la. By the way, even my reload business also off d, maybe this will be temporary because I still yet to take stock from my supplier, so when I got it already, I’ll make advertisement again la.
Haiy, I see, (everything happens for reason)-->quote by one of my friend la. I believe in faith and god existence. Perhaps this time my business break down implies that I should concentrate more on my studies instead of earning extra money for not so important purpose. Maybe it’s a faith that this is not the time is should conduct a business or maybe god tells me that: “hey, let’s stop your business and get your ass up to study”. And then I watch a drama on Saturday night, its forensic heroes. Its remind me of what I’m doing now is actually useless. Ok, on one of the episode, its shows about a brother who very care and sayang his younger brother. Their parents had passed away when they were young. On the age of 14 like that, this elder bro have to sacrifice himself to work and give up studies so that he can take earn money to brought up his younger bro. Then when this younger bro grow up d and was success in his studies, he didn’t forgot his elder bro sacrifice for him, he even take good care and promise to bao da him. I actually didn’t say full about this drama, because the rest is tak ada kaitan with my topic now. What I try to imply is, I should not do something that only gives me temporary satisfaction, which is doing printing business earning small amount of money and proving to my mom I actually know doing business. Unfortunately, I did realize what my mom and some don’t know who told me that doing such things is a waste of time, and I agree with it now. O ya, I did earn, but suddenly my business breaks down, I only manage to earn back my capital. It means I actually haven’t earned anything but I’m wasting my time all that time. Haiy. So now, I should look far rather than aim short. Its time for me to get prepare for final exam, before things and situation could get mess if I didn’t do well. I might lost more money that time if I fail my subject, then I will be barred from getting scholarship. What mom actually wants is my knowledge, not my money I guess. I just could not resist that I’m a very materialistic person, this just me.
This is some picture of latest me,haha..